Gradient Effects in Web Designs – Tutorials, Resources and Showcases
Quando si osserva un Sito Web, alcuni dettagli possono fare la differenza. Per creare dettagli unici e che rendono originale il design, i webdesiger hanno diversi strumenti e tecniche a disposizione, oggi vogliamo analizzare i Gradient. Per fare ciò abbiamo selezionato i migliori tutorial che vi guideranno durante la Creazione e l'Utilizzo dei Gradient con Photoshop, le migliori Risorse disponibili, così da poter disporre di infiniti Set di Bellissimi Gradient ed infine una serie di siti il cui design è caratterizzato dall'uso dei gradient (lineari e non).
In a Website certain details can make the difference. To create details that make it unique and original design, the webdesigers have different tools and techniques available, today we analyze the Gradients. To do this we have selected the best tutorials that will guide you during the Creation and Use of the Gradient with Photoshop, the Best Resources available, so you can have an infinite Set of Beautiful Gradients and a series of Websites whose design is characterized by Amazing Gradients (linear or not).
Gradient Tutorials
There is a dedicated gradient tool in Photoshop, but just like with anything “obvious” it turns out to be anything but. There are multiple ways of producing a gradient in Photoshop, in this tutorial the author shows you the way he always use because it’s pretty non-technical and produces reliable and reproducible results.
This tutorial will show you how to create some of the more popular “Web 2.0″ design effects using Photoshop.
Create a Gradient Photoshop Training
Very simple how-to about gradient's creation.
Smooth Gradient Header Photoshop Tutorial
This tutorial will show you a few simple techniques to design a nice smooth gradient header and nav bar that you can use in your web designs.
Here is a simple CSS trick to show you how to create gradient text effect with a PNG image (pure CSS, no Javascript or Flash).
Gradient Resources
50+ Creative Masterpieces Of Logo Designs Using Gradient Effects
274 Free Gradient Set for Photoshop
Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients - FREE Download
600+ Photoshop Gradients to Download