Sliders and Carousels in Web Design, Best Practices, Scripts and Showcases

Sliders and Carousels in Web Design, Best Practices, Scripts and Showcases

Sliders and Carousels in Web Design, Best Practices, Scripts and Showcases

Oggi analizziamo nei dettagli le migliori soluzioni che permettono di realizzare effetti Slide per le pagine web. Si tratta di effetti molto utili perchè consentono una migliore interazione con gli utenti e mettono meglio in evidenza i contenuti utili per l'utente. Inoltre grazie ad AJAX è possibile ottenere risultati eccellenti senza grandi tempi di caricamento.

Today we analyze the best solutions that allow you to create slide effects for web pages. This is very useful because it allows a better interaction with users and make better choices in the content useful to the user. And thanks to AJAX, you can get excellent results without significant loading times.

Sliders are very usable, and you can put many information into a compact area. This helps users to focus attention only on important parts of your page.

Examples of Sliders

Slider is used for the Catalog

SourceBits > Horizontal and a vertical sliders, cool effetc! Circular buttons on each end of the slider to help users during the navigation. Nice lightning hover-effect.

Vertical Content Sliders

QuickSnapper > It is a very interesting vertical slider, clear layout and rounded corners. It helps users to see services and procuct as a real paper catalog.

Navigation area with Thumbnails and Icons

Coda > The Tabs functions provides by Slider. This helps users to read the important element of the product.

The Best Slider Scripts

Slide and Hide Section

Slide and Hide Section with jQuery

Slide and Hide Section with jQuery


Easy Image or Content Slider

Easy Slider

Easy Slider




jquery.scrollable 1.0.2

jQuery Scrollable

jQuery Scrollable

Create an Amazon Books Widget with jQuery and XML

Amazon Books Widget

Amazon Books Widget

Slick Accessible Slideshow

Final Result.

Slick Accessible Slideshow

Agile Carousel

Agile Carousel

Agile Carousel

Slider Gallery

Slider gallery

Slider gallery

Coda Slider Effect

Coda Slider

Coda Slider

Showcase of Sliders

Threadless Kids

Icon Designer

Trevor Saint

Design By Humans



Global Oneness Project


Deluge Studios

Josh Smith

Daniel Stenberg

World Concern



Volkswagen UK

Barack Obama

Thomas Prior

Viktor Jarnheimer

James Lai Creative

Piotr Kulczycji

Cream Scoop
