2009 Webdesign Starter Pack
Eccoci, in attesa dei doni della befana vi regaliamo un pack utile per iniziare bene il 2009. Dentro ci troverete risorse, tutoriale e link relativi a CSS, jQuery e Mootools che vi aiuteranno a sviluppare le vostre idee e i vostri lavori nel modo migliore.
jQZoom Evolution
Simple and very easy image zoom (version 2.2)
Amazing jQuery plugin for your image gallery
SimpleModal Demos
Alert box and contact form in jQuery
Style Switcher
Choose the CSS Style of your page in just one click
jQuery Corner Demo
JQuery Curvy Corners
Rounded corners with smooth and anti-aliased corners.
Date Picker
Plugin for jQuery which allows you to easily add date inputing functionality to your web forms and pages.
Fading Header in jQuery
How to create the fading header technique.
Coda Bubble
Beautiful ‘PUFF’ popup bubble effect on elemet's page. Very cool!!
Dock Menu in jQuery
Dock menu realized in jQuery.
Image Gallery with MooTools
Stylish popup of page elements
Image Menu
Amazing graphic menu realized with MooTools.
Window Growl
Very cool effect when click on an element's page.
Widget for great looking and unobtrusive inline-pop-ups.
Page Loader
A Simple div loader.
Sexy sliding JavaScript side bar menu
Smooth and yes, SEXY sidebar menu.
Adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers to your form elements.
Rounded Corners
This creates rounded corners on divs.
SmoothGallery 2.0
This javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website.
Alert Box using MooTools
How to design a stunning Alert Box which changes and improves the classic look of JavaScript Alert Boxes.
Em Calculator
Converts sizes in pixels to relative em units.
A free online service that generates Web pages from Photoshop designs (.PSD file)
CSS Sprite Generator
With this tool, you can upload all of your images (you have to place them in a .zip file first) and it will combine the uploaded images into a single sprite and generate the CSS for you.
The Box Office
The Box Office lets you wrap, float or contour text around free-form images using CSS for (X)HTML pages.
CSS Menu Generator
This tool generates vertical, horizontal and drop-down menus online. Various color schemes are available, and you can also customize the menus online.
Drawter Beta 2 gives you the possibility of literally drawing your website’s code.
Adesso cominciate pure il nuovo anno con tutti gli strumenti che vi occorrono e se ne avete altri segnalateli o lasciate gli url nei commenti.
Buon 2009 e buon anno a tutti i colleghi! 😉